APSA Auckland Pharmacy Students’ Association
The students’ association is an integral part of the Pharmacy student life. We organise events for all to attend. Each year, a group of executive members are elected from the student body. Their main job is to represent Pharmacy students in all aspects of student life and to facilitate social, sporting, cultural, and academic activities.
Annual events that are organised by APSA include sports competitions, class dinners, pub crawls, sponsor events, the pharmacy revue, and the formal staff-student Gala ball. These events promote opportunities to meet fellow BPharm students from other years and to take a well-earned break from studying.
A highlight in the APSA calendar is the annual Fresher’s Camp, which is held just before semester one and is fully run by the APSA executives. Fresher’s Camp aims to provide the new intake of Pharmacy students with a chance to meet fellow classmates before the academic year starts and the opportunity to get to know the execs so they will know a friendly face around campus.
Each year group will have two appointed class representatives whose main duty is to represent their class. They need to display leadership, confidence, and have good communication skills to be able to articulate to the class about any upcoming events and report problems with courses to relevant staff members. They are expected to attend weekly APSA meetings as well as Staff Student Committee meetings. Being a class rep is an excellent opportunity to witness and partake in the ‘behind the scenes’ of the students’ association, be the voice for your class year and provide the opportunity to associate with teaching staff. An added bonus is that being a Class rep will look good on your CV!
APSA is a non-profit student run organisation and so we need sponsors to fund our events. We hold sponsor nights where some sponsors come in to talk to you about how they can help you as a future pharmacist and in our profession. Without our sponsors, none of our events would be possible. Details of all events, featured sponsors, and news and updates will be posted on the APSA website and Facebook pages.
Membership is $25 for the year and this entitles you to a bagful of goodies and discounts for all the APSA events throughout the year.
Join up and be part of APSA to make the most of your time in Pharmacy!